Remote Access to FCI network
If you are connecting from within the FCI network, you can skip to step 5. If you are connecting from outside the FCI network, such as from home, a hotel, or some other public or private internet connection, then start at step 1.
- Double click the Sonicwall “Global VPN client” Icon.
- There should only be one entry. Make sure it is highlighted, then click on the “enable” button.
- A new window asking for a username and password should appear. This is where you use your VPN username and password. Then click “ok”
- If done correctly, a green checkmark should appear before the entry you highlighted earlier. You are now connected to the FCI VPN network.
- Double click the “Remote Desktop Connection” icon.
- If not already filled in, the “computer” is the IP address of the server you want to connect to. In most cases this will be fcirdpfarm2.fci.local
- Click the “connect” button and you will be asked for your Windows username and password.
- If your Windows username is “jsmith”, then you’ll need to use “jsmith@fci” as your username here. Enter your password as you normally would, then click “ok”
- If someone elses username is already filled in and you can’t change it on the screen, there should be either a “more choices” link/button or an option to “use a different account”. Click those and you’ll be able to enter your own username/password.
- You should now be connected to the FCI servers and work as if you were working at your office desk.