TMW Suite SaaS password requirements

1 min. readlast update: 01.16.2025

TMW Suite SaaS has a few password requirements.  They are:

·         Minimum Password Length is 7 characters

·         Password Complexity is enabled - meaning users must include 3 or more of the following: 1 Upper, 1 Lower, 1 Number, 1 symbol

·         Password Age is 1 day (you cannot reset PW more than once in 24 hours)

·         Users will be locked out if they try the wrong PW over and over (believe its 25 times)

·         Passwords are set to expire (I believe its defaulted 42 days users must change their PW - at request - we can modify that to every 90 days)

·         You cannot re-use any of the last 24 PWs that were previously set on the account

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